Pierre À Aiguiser De Poche Crystolon 3po x 7 / 8po x 3 / 8po
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Pierre À Aiguiser De Poche Crystolon 3po x 7 / 8po x 3 / 8po

Code de produit : 85087600

Code UPC : 076607876003

Pierre À Aiguiser De Poche Crystolon 3po x 7/8po x 3/8po
  • Features : "• Fine grade. • 280 grit. • Pocket-sized sharpeners are convenient and easily transported. • Crystolon is a premium fast cutting silicon carbide abrasive. • Fine grit produces a sharp edge perfect for most applications with minimal stone loading. • Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts to sharpen scissors; knives; axes etc. • Rectangle shape. • Dimensions: 3/8in x 7/8in x 3in. >> Sharpen tools on the go with the Norton Crystolon SC Pocket Stone. Available in a protective case for convenient and easy transport; these stones are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. The fine grit silicon carbide abrasive delivers a sharp edge fast; making it the choice for most applications and small tools; including knives and scissors. To further enhance the sharpening action and minimize clogging; use with oil. "
  • Brand Name : Norton
  • Volume (cm³) : 0.00


Longueur (cm) 0.76
Largeur (cm) 1.16
Hauteur (cm) 19.50
Poid (kg) 0.00

Boîtier intérieur

Longueur (cm) 0.00
Volume (cm³) 0.00
Quantité 5.00
Largeur (cm) 0.00
Hauteur (cm) 0.00
Poid (kg) 0.00

Boîtier extérieur

Longueur (cm) 13.50
Largeur (cm) 12.00
Quantité 5.00
Hauteur (cm) 23.00
Volume (cm³) 3726.00
Poid (kg) 0.40


Longueur (cm) 0.00
Largeur (cm) 0.00
Hauteur (cm) 0.00
Volume (cm³) 0.00
Poid (kg) 0.00
Quantité 0.00

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