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Code de produit : 88002381

Code UPC : 032247202381

  • Features : • For a thick; healthy lawn that crowds out weeds • Grows good-looking grass in lawns that get a mix of sun and shade • Seed mix contains high-quality varieties of creeping red fescue; turf-type perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass • Formulated for tough Canadian conditions • 99.99% weed free >> To make a good lawn better; start with a high quality seed that grows a thick; green lawn. Scotts® Turf Builder® all purpose mix. Formulated with high-quality seed varieties; including turf-type Kentucky bluegrass; this all-purpose mix is filtered 3 times to remove weeds and fillers for a 99.99% weed-free guarantee. Ideal for lawns that get a mix of sun and shade and can be applied in the Spring or Fall for a thicker; durable lawn that helps reduce weeds* Now; that’s a better way to seed and overseed.
  • Brand Name : Scotts - Turf Builder
  • Volume (cm³) : 0.00


Longueur (cm) 0.00
Largeur (cm) 0.00
Hauteur (cm) 0.00
Poid (kg) 0.00

Boîtier intérieur

Longueur (cm) 0.00
Volume (cm³) 0.00
Quantité 0.00
Largeur (cm) 0.00
Hauteur (cm) 0.00
Poid (kg) 0.00

Boîtier extérieur

Longueur (cm) 0.00
Largeur (cm) 0.00
Quantité 4.00
Hauteur (cm) 0.00
Volume (cm³) 0.00
Poid (kg) 0.00


Longueur (cm) 0.00
Largeur (cm) 0.00
Hauteur (cm) 0.00
Volume (cm³) 0.00
Poid (kg) 0.00
Quantité 0.00

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