HG Polish Argent Liquide 50ml
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HG Polish Argent Liquide 50ml

Code de produit : 294005106

Code UPC : 8711577011390

  • Features : HG silver plating polish repairs the silver layer on damaged, over polished or worn silver-plated pieces. After treatment with HG silver plating polish, silver objects look like new again! Contains real silver that is applied as a layer to the object to repair damage or worn patches. Silver of silver-plated items such as candle holders to jewellery can easily be re-plated. Also suitable for re-plating copper, bronze, brass, and nickel.
  • Brand Name : HG
  • Volume (cm³) : 328.94


Longueur (cm) 4.90
Largeur (cm) 4.90
Hauteur (cm) 13.70
Poid (kg) 0.11

Boîtier intérieur

Longueur (cm) 0.00
Volume (cm³) 0.00
Quantité 0.00
Largeur (cm) 0.00
Hauteur (cm) 0.00
Poid (kg) 0.00

Boîtier extérieur

Longueur (cm) 14.60
Largeur (cm) 9.80
Quantité 6.00
Hauteur (cm) 14.00
Volume (cm³) 2003.12
Poid (kg) 0.66


Longueur (cm) 120.00
Largeur (cm) 100.00
Hauteur (cm) 99.00
Volume (cm³) 0.00
Poid (kg) 285.32
Quantité 2412.00